Wednesday, April 14, 2010

AWP and Dazzle Reading

Monkey Puzzle Magazine

Genres & Generations – April 8th

The Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) comes to town this week, bringing with it a variety of writers, from international bestsellers to amateur poets working on their first collections. Six local presses – Fast Forward Press, Monkey Puzzle Press, Tarpaulin Sky Press, Fact-Simile, Zero Ducats, and Bombay Gin – are using the opportunity to put together a unique literary event including some of the area’s most daring writers and poets at Dazzle on Thursday, April 8th. For an event flier, click here.

Readers include:Benjamin Dancer, Bryan Jansing, Kona Morris, Rob Geisen, Jonathan Montgomery, Nancy Stohlman, Matt Reeck, Travis Cebula, Gordon Massman, Andrew ZornozaShane, Joaquin Jimenez, Scott Alexander Jones

Fast Forward Press, a small independent press based in Denver, is dedicated to publishing flash fiction and will release its third collection in June. Boulder-based Monkey Puzzle Press is an independent trade publisher focusing on books from both emerging and established writers including a biannual literary arts journal. Fact-Simile is a small independent publisher of mostly handmade books and book-objects, using recycled and reclaimed materials to create distinctive artifacts of literature. Bombay Gin is the literary journal of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, and Tarpaulin Sky Press, founded in 2002 as an online literary journal, focuses on cross-genre / trans-genre / hybrid forms as well as innovative poetry and prose.

For a schedule of all offsite events during AWP, click here.
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